Quel cadeau offrir à son papa?

What gift to give your dad on Father's Day?

The years go by and you don't know what to do to please your dad. And yet, we think to do the best because a dad is precious. So, tell yourself that sometimes the simplest ideas are often the best…

Where does this Father's Day come from? A little history…

Father's Day was born in the 15th century. It was a religious holiday that was originally intended to celebrate June 19 the figure of Saint Joseph, the foster father of Jesus. It was in the 19th century that the tradition developed with Pope Pius IX before sinking into oblivion at the beginning of the 21st century. But some countries have transformed this holiday which has completely lost its religious connotation and which has become rather commercial. But it has entered into mores and has become an opportunity to please.

Global info on different countries

  • In Belgium, it is celebrated on June 12: Dads are celebrated there on the 2nd Sunday of June. In the Antwerp region, it is celebrated on March 19.
  • In France, it is celebrated on June 19. A decree has been established to make it official on the third Sunday of June. The party was thought up by a lighter manufacturer for purely commercial reasons.
  • In Luxembourg, it is celebrated on October 2. It has been called "Pappendag" since the 1960s. It is celebrated on the first Sunday of October: it is the only country on the planet to have chosen a date in autumn. No one seems to know why!
  • In Germany, it is celebrated on May 26: It is always celebrated at Ascension (40 days after Easter). In some regions, it is called Männertag (men's day), or Herrentag (gentlemen's day) or Vatertag (father's day).
  • In the Netherlands, it is celebrated on June 19. Like its neighbors in Europe such as the French, the Dutch also celebrate Father's Day or Vaderdag on the same date.
  • In Quebec, it is celebrated on June 19. Father's Day was imported from the United States in the 1960s and was added to the official US calendar in 1966 on the initiative of President Lyndon B. Johnson. The party therefore takes place between June 15 and 19 according to the calendar. This holiday is very popular. The custom is still to offer him a red rose and to place a white rose on his grave if he is no longer...

This holiday is not universal

Father's Day is not universal but still celebrated in more than 50 countries around the world. Depending on the country, it is more or less celebrated according to the education that everyone has received simply through family traditions.

What gift to give to please?

Your dad shaves, it's obvious... It's generally the daily ritual of every man. So a box with good products can only give him the greatest pleasure and it is a gift that will remain and that will do less harm than a box of chocolates.

The ideal box

The advantage at Raz*war is that you can build your box according to your desires and also according to the budget you want to put in for the gift in question. The ideal combo is of course to do "the total" with a box consisting of a shaving brush, a razor, a shaving soap, a shaving oil and an after shave. And as you can see, the slightly vintage packaging is super pretty and looks great in a gift box. Discover the boxes that will please him.


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