Quand dois-je me laver les cheveux?

How often should I wash my hair?

Question not obvious because it depends on each of you! Is it bad to wash your hair too often or is it advisable?

We men

And yes, we go in the shower and the hair goes there too. But do we need it? Is it necessary? Is it good for them? Clearly, hair professionals do not recommend washing your hair every day. It is good to space the washes and especially to use shampoos adapted to your hair type.

How to do well?

  • For normal hair: These are the easiest to maintain and two shampoos a week are more than enough for their good health.
  • For dry hair: They need to be deeply hydrated. Let's stay on the rhythm of two shampoos per week plus a moisturizing, nourishing conditioner. There are also leave-in treatments or hair oils. Repairing masks will do your hair a lot of good and after a month you will already feel the difference in their texture.
  • For oily hair: Oily hair should be washed more often. The sebaceous glands produce more sebum than it should and the result is not great, it shines, it looks “dirty”. They must be washed approximately every 2 days with a specific and purifying shampoo. Once you find the right shampoo, the problem can be solved.
  • For hair that has dandruff: It's a scalp problem. Dandruff can be mild, moderate or severe and it is absolutely necessary to use specific products to get rid of it. These are actually dead cells falling off your scalp. Fatigue, stress, pollution can be aggravating factors. Specific shampoos are formulated with Zinc or ichthyol and the goal is to reduce and eradicate dandruff.

You have understood it well, it is not advisable to wash your hair every day. But there is not really a general rule according to your hair type. You also have to take into consideration the job you do and if you are athletic. In these last two cases, washing is necessary regardless of your hair type.

The main thing is not to use shampoos bought in supermarkets because many of them are real detergents! Know this, this is very serious. In pharmacies, on the other hand, you will not make mistakes and will have the advice as well! The main thing is to look at yourself and do the best according to the needs of your hair which is alive!

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